
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 8 - Start Again!

I must say I was very disappointed this morning when I discovered that the 8th sequence was a repetition of the first. Seriously? I guess it was too much to hope for 21 different sequences.

On the days I do go to the yoga studio I will skip the sequences offered by the 21 day challenge and speak of my class instead.

To change it up a bit, I'm going to focus on what I felt was the most challenging aspects of the sequence today.

My Challenge
For a couple days now my shoulder's aren't as flexible as usual, why? Beats me. Anyway, this makes interlacing the hands behind you back and bending forward bringing your hands towards your head very difficult.

I have to work on some shouder openers.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 7 - Relaxing Before Bed

On the 7th Day we rest. Kate Holcombe who brought us the Morning Sequence on Day 2 comes back with this relaxing evening sequence, a perfect preparation for bed or in my case dishes.

What I enjoyed
Kate prepared a wonderfully relaxing sequence and has such a soothing voice.

Favorite Moment
I loved the last pose. I modified it by simply putting my legs up the nearest wall. So relaxing.


How to Improve
Don't try to relax when your Husband is playing a Zelda, it makes it that much harder.

Lasting Impression
I had a nice stretch, I'm relaxed and ready to take on the dishes and then read a good book in bed. 


Day 6 - Hip openers

For those of you that are following, I skipped a day and I'm posting this a day late. I ran out of time. I'll catch up no worries.Today's sequence (Day 7) is a 15 minute relaxing sequence to be done before bed, so two posts today! (Maybe three if I over come my reticence for Hanumanasana.)

Day 6 brings us Rebecca Urban, whom we met on day 3. I guess we are going to have a 4 teacher rotation for 21 days. My hopes of having Stephanie Snyder is dwindling. Thirty minutes of hip openers here we go.

What I enjoyed
 If it wasn't a cold snowy morning and my body wasn't stiff from yesterday's Vinyasa, I would probably have enjoyed the sequence. It's a great stretch.
I enjoyed her simple sign off "You worked hard, enjoy your day. Namaste."  and the wonderful savasana.

Favorite Moment
My body feeling as it does, my favorite moment is a calm one: Floating Goddess. Come into Goddess or Horse stance, turn the toes out and bend your needs making a nice 90 degree angle between your thigh and your shin. Straighten the right leg, then the left, bend right, bed left. Try to glide through the pose. Repeat twice and go the other way. Simple yet soothing.


How to improve
I should of done a little warm up instead of rolling onto the mat and pressing play.

Lasting Impression
I'm feeling nice and open in the hips. I not by any means ready to start my day, I'd rather hibernate with my hubby but I'm expected at the Natural History Museum.


P.S. Click here or on the pictures for a link to the video.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 4 - Refining Practice

Day 4 has brought us a male teacher, Jason Crandall, and a very technical sequence. Refining Practice is a great description; after this 30 minute practice, I had a better grasp of Warrior I, Warrior II, Extended Side Angle, Triangle, Revolved Triangle, and Half Moon.

We had guests this morning so I practiced right before going to bed. 

What I enjoyed
It might be because I'm tired but I loved it when Jason said "sticky mat" or "your sticky". What a cute way of describing the yoga mat. Right? Ok, moving on. Jason has a loud and clear voice which was easily understood even when facing the opposite direction.
I enjoyed the clear directions and the mention of what's coming up next. I appreciate the heads up.
It was great to get a little movement in before the standing pose sequence with the half Sun Salutation.
Congratulations Jason! You are the first to truly conclude the practice. After a smooth transition into savasana, I followed his prompt to pause the video and enjoy the rest for a couple minutes. Then I rolled over and sat up and got the concluding ritual of thanks and bowing. Loved it!

Favorite moment
I got to practice two of my favorite asana: Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) and Tree Pose (Vrksasana).  I particularly like the way we moved into Half Moon.
Taking a wide step on your sticky mat, turn your right foot out and your left foot in. Transition into Warrior II, bend your front knee, arms out the side, hips level. Take a moment to feel the stability of this pose. From there take the left hand to the left hip, take your right hand to the outside of your right foot onto a block if needed. From there, before going into Half Moon pose, make sure you have space to move forward. Step your back foot half way towards your front foot, bend your front knee and move the block forward. Shift your weight onto your front foot into Half Moon. Roll your left hip open, your left leg reaches up extending through the heel. Reach up through your left arm, spreading your fingers. Take two breathes here then bend your front knee and slowly lower your left foot down to the ground and nice and slowly make your way up to standing. I love this pose and Jason does a great job leading you into it.

How to improve 
I thought it started off a bit quickly, I wanted a couple twists in before lying down on my back, so I paused it. I might even have started with the half Sun Salutation. Also, I don't own a block or a strap, they are readily available at my yoga studio. So I improvised. I used the box  the modem came in and my hubby's belt (he was not using it at the time). There are alternatives to props which could of been suggested.
After a couple standing poses, one of my knees started to bother me so I stepped my feet together and rotated my knees clockwise and counter-clockwise, a warm up I learnt in Karate. Considering we kept our legs straight and engaged the entire time, I would of appreciated warming up my knees a little before the practice started. However, this is a personal weakness that I am aware of and know how to avoid.
I might be getting used to it but the absence of eye contact was less of an issue today but be careful not to lower your voice at the end of your sentences.

Lasting Impression
I am happy with the sequence, revolved triangle was less frustrating than usual (props to Jason for that accomplishment). I really want to by a block and a strap. I'm thinking of the Three Minute Egg, the oval block I saw advertised in Yoga Journal. What do you think? Never heard of it? Click here.

I've made it past the three day mark, next stop 3 weeks!

How's your practice going?
Are your motivated to continue?
Is it hard to find the time?

I'd love to hear what you have to say.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 3 - Work Your Core

Day 3 is awesome. I am no fan of core work (having very little core muscles to speak of) but the sequence led by Rebecca Urban was very nice. 20 minutes was the perfect length for me.

What I enjoyed
I was very pleased to see Stephanie Snyder as  to yoga model today. She is an amazing teacher. I had the chance to practice with her in Virginia Beach when she came to give a Detox Yoga class at Bamboo Studio. She can float up into standing slip like it's nobody's business. Incredible woman, really nice too. I hope this means she might be giving a sequence soon.
Rebecca has a very nice voice and gave a nice amount of eye contact to the camera.
My favorite sequence was the 4 step Push-up nearing the end. Starting in Plank. Inhale, exhale, drop the knees to the mat, bend you elbow and pin them to your ribs in a half push up. Straighten the legs and straighten the arms. Repeat 3 times. Then start with the arms for another three. I shudder at the mention of push-ups, but these, I can do.


A core strengthening sequence not being a complete practice I wasn't expecting a savasana at the end so I really enjoyed when we sat back in child's pose and she concluded the sequence with two options: sit in child's pose for a couple more minutes or select another sequence to continue your practice. 

What I disliked
For the first couple of minutes, Rebecca kept repeating "breathe here for nothing". Which annoyed me because I don't want to be breathing for nothing and I wasn't sure what she meant by it. Wording is super important. If she wanted us to take a couple breaths here she could of said :"Take 2 breaths here and on the next inhale..." or "Breathe deeply and on your next exhale...". This happened only a handful of times in the beginning.

Overall, this was probably my favorite core strengthening sequence - probably because it wasn't too difficult. See you tomorrow!


P.S. Click here or on the picture for a link to the video.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 2 - Being Calm

Day 2 is a god send. I wasn't feeling it this morning; having to wake up 1 hour earlier to do the practice when I could be snuggling in bed. It was worth it.
A short 20 minute practice focusing on the breath really helps to focus the mind on the day ahead.

What I enjoyed
The slow and repeating sequences allows you to follow at your own pace and reduce the need to hear each instruction. Kate Holcome has a nice calm voice and is easy to understand.

My favorite sequence was the cool down. Lying on your back, knees folded into your chest and arms at your side against your body. On an inhale, coordinate the movement of your arms and legs as your straighten your legs towards the ceiling and circle your arms up and back to the floor if you can. On the exhale, bend your knees back into the chest and bring your arms back up and down by your side. Repeat 3 or 4 times.

I also enjoyed the short but present send off "and you are ready to go about the rest of your day" with a smile.

What I disliked
Except for the introduction and a quick smile at the end of the sequence, Kate faces and speaks to Laura the entire time. It's important to make eye contact will all your students, even if you can't see them, it creates a bond. 

The 15 minute Morning Sequence is a easy sequence with lots of benefits. It can easily be modified to be done sitting on a chair for the most part or holding on to it for balance.

If you are taking this challenge I highly recommend signing up for the emails, it gives you a short description of the practice and a link to the video.

Keep it up!

P.S. Click here or on the on the picture for a link to the video.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 1 - Mandala Namaskar

Day 1- We start off this 21 day challenge with a bang - an energizing flow sequence with Elise Lorimer. For a first practice, this one was intense. (It didn't help that my legs and arms where stiff from the Anusara Class I took at Pure yesterday.)

What I enjoyed
I really liked the Mandala Namaskar aspect of this practice - the transition through squat to the other side of the room. It was a refreshing way to switch sides. Elise makes it look very cat like, she is obviously very flexible. Just wait until you get to cow pose and she easily moves her ankles to be parallel to her knees. Her knees!

I enjoyed the entire sequence, it flowed together very well. Having Denise there made sure that Elise remembered to cue us in on all the little tweaks each position needs - tuck you tail bone, squeeze your knees towards to center, etc..
I particularly like this side stretch. Seven minutes into the flow you are prompted to step you foot forward coming into a squat. With your hands in prayer at your heart press your knee out wide sending your tail bone down to the floor. From there, place your right arm under your right shin and reach your left arm up to the sky. Great Stretch!

What I disliked
I couldn't hear Elise once I stepped to the other side of my mat, my laptop speakers aren't loud enough. I'll fix that for next time. It's also quite annoying to have too look back to figure out what's going on, I have to work on being a better listener.

My favorite part of a yoga practice is Savasana (corps pose), it's also a very important part of your practice since it allows your body to assimilate the Asanas and transition back into the world. It was severely lacking here. Elise walks your through a nice cool down, prepares your for Savasana and then abandons you. We don't even get 5 minutes of "concentrate on your breathing", "let your thoughts simply pass by", or "count down your breaths from 40 to 1", not even music. The video stops once your are in Savasana. The practice ended a bit short. I like ending with a collective Om and a heartfelt Namaste, enjoy the rest of your day. A video can never be as good as a real class.

Overall it was a fun 45 minutes, I'm looking forward tomorrow!


P.S. Click here or on the picture for a link to the video.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yoga Journal's 21 Day Yoga Challenge

 I have repeatedly heard that for something to become a habit, you must first work on it diligently for at least 21 days (3 weeks). Getting into the habit of a daily yoga practice can only be beneficial for your health - body and mind.
Yoga Journal in collaboration with 4 amazing teachers has put together a series of amazing practices you can do from the comfort of your very own home. An original practice for everyday of the week - lots of variety to keep the practice fresh and interesting. Click on the image, it will bring you directly to the challenge page on Yoga Journal's web page.

Join me and countless others in this exciting challenge. Let me know how you're doing, together we can keep it up for 21 days!

Tomorrow, Day 1!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Food for Thought

by Issac Hebert

"One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life."
- Chinese Proverb

Monday, January 3, 2011

Food for Thought

by Issac Herbert

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again."
-Joseph Campbell

Happy New Year!

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